A great garden space makes it a perfect place to sit and enjoy Sunday brunch or have an outdoor holiday party at your home. But what about your lawn’s maintenance? Taking care of your lawn is not an easy task and requires a lot of efforts. You might have to research before using any tool or fertilizer in your lawn. In this article, we will guide you on how you can maintain and style your lawn with these time-saving tips.

1. Mowing and edging

Always remember to remove only one-third of the grass length when mowing your lawn. Rainy season makes the soil and grass wet. Mowing during the rainy season can damage the lawn and prevent healthy growth in the future. Therefore, it’s better to mow your garden according to a particular season.

2. Get rid of lawn weeds, thatch, and moss

Lawn weeds and thatch can block air and nutrients from getting to the roots and prevent growth. The easiest way to get rid of lawn weed is to pull out the whole weed along with its roots. You can remove thatch from your lawn via scarification, which is the process of raking and removing mulch from the lawn. Get rid of mosses in your garden as they can grow in areas that have excess moisture, shade, and low-quality turf. Use techniques like feeding and scarifying to get rid of the moss.

3. Aeration

Aeration allows for better penetration of air and water to the roots of the grass, which is essential for gaining moisture and nutrients to grow. The process of creating small holes in the soil at certain intervals and depths with the help of specially made tools and machines is called Aeration.

4. Over-seeding

You can restore worn-out and destroyed lawns with the help of over-seeding. Cover the entire space with large quantities of seed mixed with fertiliser. This covers the damaged and thinning patches of your lawn, improving the colour of the leaves, and reducing the chance of weed and moss development.

5. Feeding and watering

Don’t forget to water because lawn lacking water will start to change colour and lose its spring, causing the grass to stay flat if walked on. The type of soil and weather conditions in your region determines the amount and frequency of watering for your lawn. Therefore, it is recommended to water your garden at the beginning of the day, probably before the sunrise.

6. Topdressing

In order to build up and advance the quality of the existing soil, topdressing is used for lawn care. It provides additional drought resistance and drainage, evening out any imperfections. Always check the soil of your garden regularly to get the correct materials and consistency when creating your top dressing.

Professional Lawn Care Service

These lawn care tips will help you regularly check and maintain your lawn along with removing dead leaves and twigs and cutting back any areas that create excess shade. Keep your lawn looking lush and healthy with the help of lawn care professionals Australia. Express Mowing offers professional lawn care and lawn mowing services in Australia. Connect with our lawn specialist today.